Flooded Battery Care
How to correctly service your flooded battery pack
Inspection of Battery Pack
- The outside of the battery should be clean, dry and free from corrosion.
- If the batteries are wet, you may be adding excessive water or overcharging.
- Replace any damaged cables.
- Check for loose cables. Tighten any loose connections.
Watering Batteries
Flooded batteries must be watered periodically. The frequency depends on usage and operating temperatures. Check new batteries every few weeks to determine the watering frequency. Older batteries require more watering as they age.
ACID PERMANENTLY STAINS CONCRETE! Always park your golf cart on grass, dirt or gravel prior to servicing batteries!
- Fully charge the batteries prior to adding distilled water. If batteries have exposed plates, only add enough distilled water to cover the plates then charge the batteries. Continue adding water to proper level after they are fully charged.
- When removing vent caps, place them upside down to prevent contamination of the caps and to prevent the acid in caps from getting on batteries.
- Distilled water should be added to 1/8in to 1/4in (3mm to 6mm) below the bottom edge of the fill well.
- After adding water, firmly install vent caps back on batteries.
Cleaning Batteries
Keep terminals and connectors clean and free from corrosion by using a wire brush as necessary. Terminal corrosion can affect battery performance and be a safety hazard.
ACID PERMANENTLY STAINS CONCRETE! Always park your golf cart on grass, dirt or gravel prior to servicing batteries!
Make sure that all vent caps are properly secured! Do not allow cleaning solution to get inside the battery!
- Clean the top of the battery, terminals and connections with solution of 1/4 cup of baking soda to 1 gallon of water in a pump sprayer.
- Rinse neutralizing solution off with water and dry with a clean cloth.
- Apply thin layer of terminal protector spray or petroleum jelly to terminals after installation of cables to reduce corrosion.
Equalization Charging
As deep cycle battery packs are discharged and recharged over multiple cycles, the individual cells within the batteries can become imbalanced. If left uncorrected, it can result in capacity loss. To correct for this, equalization will rebalance the cells. Equalization is performed after the charger has completed a normal full charge. Equalization should be done every 30 days or 30 charge cycles.
- Fully charge batteries.
- Unplug charger until it completely turns off.
- Plug the charger back in. The charger should perform a shortened charge cycle and go through the initial charge stages very quickly. It should then remain in the last charge stage until the charge termination criteria are met. This normally takes 2-4 hours and balances the cells.
User Manuals
- Trojan Battery [trojanbattery.com]
- U.S. Battery [usbattery.com]